Halloween is hands-down my favorite holiday of the season. It’s just so fun! I don’t even have kids and I love it.
If I’m throwing a Halloween party, you better believe I’m making some fun food and drinks for the partiers.ÿ At the center of the table will almost always be a huge pitcher filled with a fun punch.
Normally, I make this punch nonalcoholic and kid-friendly but you could always add alcohol to it if you wanted (gin or vodka would work well).
This particular punch is super easy to make. It can barely even be called a recipe, but it’s the little touches that make it cool for Halloween.

For starters, after you mix together the limeade, soda, and water, it helps to add just a few drops of green food coloring to the punch. It doesn’t change the flavor at all but gives it a really bright green color.

Second, while you are at the store, pick up a few chunks of dry ice. Break up the dry ice into chunks being careful not to touch it directly unless instant frostbite is your idea of a good time. Use gloves or a towel to hold it while you break it up.
Just a few small pieces in each glass will make for a really cool effect.

For the advanced people out there, I also like to drizzle glasses for any Halloween drink with some blood red syrup. The syrup hardens on the glasses and makes a really cool effect.

To make it, just combine some sugar, corn syrup, water, and food coloring in a small pot over medium heat. Heat it until the sugar melts, stirring constantly. Then continue to simmer the mixture until it reaches 235 degrees Fahrenheit. I really do recommend using a thermometer to make sure the mixture is the right temperature.

To test it, drizzle a bit of the hot syrup into a bowl of cold water. If you can mold the syrup into a small ball underwater, then it’s ready to go. At that point, kill the heat on the syrup and let it cool to room temperature and drizzle it over any glasses you want to use.

The syrup is advanced and totally optional. The dry ice is easy and the punch is delicious with or without booze.
You still have time to add this punch to your Halloween plans!

Zombie Punch Recipe Instructions
zombie punch recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Prep Time: 10 minutes
- 1 12 ounce can frozen Limeade mix
- 20 ounces Sprite or 7-Up
- 20 ounces cold water
- Green food coloring
- Dry ice (optional)
- Blood red syrup (optional)
- Add frozen limeade mix to a large pitcher.
- Add Sprite or 7-Up and water and stir well to combine.
- Add 2-3 drops green food coloring.
- Keep cold until serving.
- When serving, drizzle blood red syrup (below) on rim of glass as an optional effect.
- Pour zombie punch into glasses and add a small cube of dry ice to each glass.
Blood Red Syrup Recipe
Total Time: 20 minutes
- 1/2 Cup sugar
- 1/4 cup water
- 1/4 cup light corn syrup
- 1/4 teaspoon red food coloring
- Add all ingredients to a small pan over medium heat and stir until sugar melts.
- Continue to cook until mixture reaches the soft-ball stage of candy, about 235 degrees Fahrenheit. As a good test to see if the candy is at this stage, drizzle a small amount of it into a bowl of cold water. If you can form the mixture into a soft ball underwater, then it is at the right stage . It will take about five minutes for the glaze to reach this consistency and I always recommend using a thermometer to make sure you are at the right temperature.
- Remove mixture from heat and let cool to room temperature.
- Drizzle on glasses for a cool effect.
- To wash off later, run under very hot water.