Hawaiian Salmon & Ahi Poke Recipes

Hawaiian Salmon & Ahi Poke Recipes

Posted on November 17, 2016

Poke (po-kay or po-kee) is Hawaiian in origin and usually served as a salad or appetizer. However, we find that it makes a delicious main dish when accompanied by an avocado half or similar item on the side. It is made of raw fish, usually ahi tuna. We have also included Atlantic and wild coho salmon to make this poke recipe. “Poke” is the Hawaiian verb for to slice or cut. It can be an elegant, appealing addition to any party or consumed as a tasty lunch or dinner.

Hawaiian Poke is one of the most delicious, nutritious, and low calorie dishes on the planet. It falls somewhere between sushi and ceviche. If you like either of these, it is likely you love poke. Most of the work involved is selecting fresh, tender, sashimi grade fish at the market. The best part is that once the fish is selected and on your cutting board, it takes moments to create.

hawaiian salmon & ahi poke recipes

Poke (po-kay or po-kee) is Hawaiian in origin and usually served as a salad or appetizer. However, we find that it makes a delicious main dish when accompanied by an avocado half or similar item on the side. It is made of raw fish, usually ahi tuna.


  • 1 pound sashimi grade ahi tuna, cubed
  • 2 pounds salmon fillets of choice, cubed
  • 3/4 cup chopped green onion
  • 3/4 cup dried seaweed or onion
  • 3 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 3 tablespoons Hawaiian poke salt mix or soy sauce


  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve on your choice of festive Zak! dinnerware.

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