If you’re tired of buying expensive face masks, then this DIY project is for you. Using all natural remedies for things like redness, acne scars, dry skin, and exfoliation, you can actually create spa-level products with common household ingredients. By using one recipe for the base face mask – which treats common ailments like inflammation, break-outs, and dry skin – you can personalize the ingredients to treat whatever you need to treat! Use our handy confetti prep bowls for the perfect face mask mixer bowl!

Sleep with it on and it won’t make you break out! The avocado had great natural oils to replenish the hydration to your face while the papaya has amazing natural enzymes that help eliminate the look of tired and dry skin. Honey is antibacterial, which is good for acne prone skin. The added lemon is good for reducing the appearance of acne scars.
diy face mask recipe instructions
If you’re tired of buying expensive face masks, then this DIY project is for you.
Base FAce Mask Ingredients:
- Aged papaya (on the verge of going bad)
- Honey
- Lemon
- Avocado
- Strawberries to Reduce Redness
- Egg to Reduce Risk of Acne Scars
- Cinnamon and Nutmeg to Exfoliate